Spicing Up Your Sex Life with Better Diet and Exercise

If you are living with your life partner, you would always want to have a great sex life with your partner. However, there are some exceptional cases where people find deprived of having exciting sexual life which is quite unfortunate for both partners. Reason behind this can be many such as mental trauma, busy lifestyle and more importantly improper intake of right food which is highly essential for better intimate life.  Apart from this having a positive attitude towards your stamina and moreover on yourself is a key to sizzle in your bedroom.

There are 3 main components of better sex life, Healthy Diet, Regular Exercise and Positive Attitude. Among these 3, positive attitudes comes from inner belief which ultimately affects in the performance. On the other hand, healthy diet and regular exercise is what you need to follow on the regular basis. This would not only help you in the betterment of your performance but also in having better health. Adults who practice regular exercise experience always increase in level of desire, and also greater sexual satisfaction.

Adding a few high intensity bouts to your fitness routine can help in strengthening your stamina. For instance, you can increase the incline of your treadmill during the workout. Daily workout of 30 minutes will help in burning calories; feel more confident and better muscles. There are specific exercises for both men and women which need to be followed accurately and daily.

For women Kegel exercise is always being recommended because it gives more control to their vaginal muscles. This will also help in avoiding vaginal Infection.

There are also other exercises such as push-ups, pelvic lifts, crunches, slides and prayers which can be done by both men and women.

Apart from practicing better exercise, there are some better diet options which should be continued and will ultimately help in better performance on bed with your partner.

Mentioned Down are some foods for better sex life:

  • Almonds:  It contains high amount of Vitamin E and minerals that is necessary for better dieting regime and also boost your libido. It is low in calories which is extremely beneficial.
  • Oysters: If you look careful at any Oyster, they do look like female genitals which naturally make the person to have it.  It contains D-Aspartic acid and NMDA which are powerful for releasing sex hormones.  Oyster also increases sperm count in males which is very essential.
  • Pumpkin Seeds:  Having Pumpkin Seeds can increase the volume of fatty acids and zinc in your body.  Also is good source of Magnesium which great for arousing affect.
  • Ginger:  It helps in increasing the blood flow in your body which is good for sexual organs. Adding it in your diet regime can help in spicing up your sex life.
  • Chocolate: No one can ignore this, especially women. Chocolates are high in Phenylalanine which are better for boosting libido and better sexual performance. Having it once or twice in your daily routine can help you to witness the magic in the bed with partner.

Have a powerful diet regime along with right practice of exercise.  Apart from above mentioned food items, you can also add salad and chicken in your lunch and dinner. Having healthy sex life is a sign of having healthy relationship and lifestyle which every individual looks for.

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